Kriss Torrealba

I think most people think of personal trainers as people who have always had a very active lifestyle, have a strictly regimented diet, and that fitness comes very easily to us. I hope through meeting with me that I can change your mind.

I only really began my own process of leading a more active lifestyle in the middle of the Covid pandemic. I had always harbored insecurities about my own state of fitness, but those insecurities were thrown right into overdrive during the pandemic. I realized that if I was going to make it through this viral outbreak that I was going to have to go out of my way to work at feeling good about myself, not even in regards to aesthetic values such as weight loss or muscle definition, but making sure that I was taking care of my mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as pushing myself once more out of my comfort zone. It was through this that I discovered my love of martial arts, specifically boxing and Muay Thai. Before I started training for tournaments and to be an instructor, I never really thought of myself as a ‘fighter’ in a literal sense, but now I love that I can say that’s who I am. It has given not only an awesome, and formidable new set of skills that I can take and apply to many other parts of my life, but it has given me a whole new mindset for tackling challenges, as well as an appreciation of my own capabilities. That’s really what it does for me, seeing my clients reach that same surprising moment of “Hey! I just did something I’ve never done before! I didn’t think I could do that!” Seeing people walking away from our training sessions, not just more in shape, but more in love with themselves, never gets boring and lets me know that I’m exactly where I need to be in the world.

“My life and my relationship with my body has done a total 180 since I started training with Kriss. As a transgender woman I'm always wary of going into situations where my body is being evaluated, but Kriss' enthusiastic encouragement, her welcoming attitude, and her knowledgable all-around competence have resulted in me feeling better about myself in my thirties than I did in my twenties. I'd happily refer people to her if they're looking for a change in terms of their physical health.”

“When I first started coming to Kriss I was at the end of my rope - mentally and physically. I wanted to feel better and more confident in my body and she did that. Things I couldn't have imagined doing a few months ago I can now do, and my mind is much clearer mentally. She has a sense about when to push, when to relax and is an amazing teacher. She truly meets you where you are, and pushes when she knows you are ready. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a trainer.”